My creation is a tribute to the
world of pirates that wants to highlight a hidden side of the daily
life of the captain of a pirate ship.
The model
In the cabin of his pirate ship, the Captain Red is sleeping peacefully...
He is dreaming: at the sunset of a glorious day, his ship is
emerging victorious from the latest battle with the infamous Bricktish
Imperial ship which now is sinking...finally!
Meanwhile in the cabin, taking advantage that pirate Red is asleep,
the monkey Pimon is trying to grab some precious stones from the
captain's treasure trunk... After all, Pimon is a pirate too, right?
Cracker, the parrot, is sleeping on his perch, while a rat has come
up from the ship's hold in search of a piece of cheese.
Wait a minute, what's peeking out from under the bed? A stuffed
bunny? Could it be that behind the pirate's gruff appearance there is
also a tender side hidden?
Minifigure and animals
One minifigure: the pirate is lying under the bed sheets. If you
want you can easily remove it and make it sit on the chair, etc. to
create different scenes.
Four animals: one parrot, one monkey, one rat and one crab.
Thank you so much
I hope you enjoy it. If you like it, feel free to leave a comment.
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