Series 3

Harbormaster's Office

Series 3


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Building instructions are now available on the LEGO® Builder App and via downloadable PDF!

550Unique parts
2,418Total parts

The Story

Set sail for the Harbormaster’s Office! Tucked away near the shore, holding down the port to maintain boating traffic, enforce regulations, and provide fuel for small vessels.  It’s always a merry time, at the Harbormaster’s office!

The Features

Although compact, this fully detailed Harbormaster’s office is packed with everything you (and your minifigures) need to maintain peace and order at the harbor. Including a rest area, storage space, a loft bedroom, and a control desk stocked with maps, radar & sonar, and a CB radio!

On chilly mornings, the Harbormaster heads to the main floor to have a seat near the wood-burning stove, while checking the safety equipment. But work is fun AND games! So during break time, the harbormaster can head to the loft for a quick nap, or work on the model lighthouse and ship-in-a-bottle.

The whole office is cozily camped on a large dock, complete with life rings, fishing rods, compressed air, a gas pump for small vessels to fill up, and plenty of signage for passersby to find their way around. Follow the pilings below the dock to view hidden life like fish, coral, crabs, and plant life!

The entire office can separate from the dock and be displayed individually. And the entire second floor and roof sections are all removable for easy access. 

H: 28.8 cm

L: 30.69 cm

W: 35.59 cm

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Rich_Herbert bio image

My name is Rich Herbert and I’m the fan designer of the Harbormaster’s Office in Series 3 of the BrickLink Designer Program. I grew up in the 80’s and early 90’s without a particular interest in any given LEGO theme, I just liked the bricks. I rarely followed the instructions and instead built what I could with what I had. As I got older, I took an interest in some of the early Batman and Star Wars sets, but I really didn’t have a strong passion for LEGO sets again until only a few years ago. 

I re-discovered LEGO brick building in 2017 when my wife came home with a gift for me, the Old Fishing Store #21310. It had been years since I assembled a set, and I was really surprised at the advancement in part selection and building techniques. I was instantly captivated and began collecting the Modular Building series, and pretty much every other set I could get my hands on. 

I’ve always appreciated that LEGO bricks were system-based. The rules and standards made it appealing to me as a child and now as an adult I’ve spent so much time exploring the system to understand the relationships between the elements. Although I love building LEGO sets, the feeling of finding the right elements and discovering the right combination to build something unique is very satisfying. In the past few years, I’ve really tried to develop my knowledge of the system and experience as a fan designer. I only recently started sharing my designs with others online.

Becoming a finalist in Series 3 was certainly a surprise and the feedback from the fan community has been so uplifting! I’m very humbled to be part of a group of such talented designers and so thankful to the LEGO Group and BrickLink for this incredible opportunity. I want to thank the fans for supporting my design and provide a special thank you to my amazing wife and daughter for their encouragement and feedback throughout the entire process. 

How do you find inspiration for your designs? What inspired this BDP set in particular?

I’m always interested in designing something modeled after a classic location or iconic concept. Something that could be the definitive version of the subject – where everything you would expect to see would be there. I look for ideas that are unique but also familiar. What characters would exist in the world and how they would behave is also a huge source of inspiration for me. 

A few different things inspired the Harbormaster’s Office. I grew up near the Atlantic Ocean in New Jersey and spent plenty of time at the beach and on the boardwalk, so I was familiar with the style of these older nautical buildings and all the boat traffic during the summer months. I started thinking what it might be like as a Harbormaster trying to keep everything orderly. I also really liked the idea of a rough-around-the-edges, curmudgeonly Harbormaster who doesn’t put up with any nonsense. Finally, I thought this would complement two of my favorite sets, the Old Fishing Store #21310, and the Motorized Lighthouse #21335. 

What was the first set you ever built? Which one is your favorite?What is one set you would love to see being made?

The very first set I ever had was the Basic Building Set #547 and it came with the Red Storage Case #783 – and that was it for a long time! I carried that everywhere! Pirates of Barracuda Bay #21322 was my favorite for quite a while, but I just recently finished Rivendell #10316, and that set has the title now – it really is outstanding. I’m excited to see sets released based on Batman the Animated Series, and a set based on that universe’s Batcave or Arkham Asylum jam-packed with minifigures based on the show would be super cool. 

How would you describe your building style? Do you usually design sets within a certain theme?

It’s very character-driven without a doubt. I almost always start with the minifigures and their perspective. Beyond that, my style sits comfortably between playful and logical. It’s important there’s a sense of fun throughout and it doesn’t take itself too seriously or try to be hyper-realistic. At the same time though, things need to make sense – even if it’s just for a joke or a hidden reference. I don’t limit myself to a certain theme. For me it’s about creating things that blend familiarity with uniqueness and fun, so any theme or subject matter is on the table. 

How would you describe your role in the LEGO fan community?

I’m not sure I have a role in the community aside from just being a fan of LEGO sets and having a passion to create. I’m just starting to build a portfolio and share my designs. I’m constantly amazed by what others produce and always interested in feedback on my designs from the fan community. 

Have you been to any LEGO community events or conventions? If so, what were they like?

I have not, though I would be interested in attending in the future.

What do you think makes a BDP set successful?

Loads of things! Some that the designer can influence and some they can’t. A fresh innovative idea that still fits with the LEGO design style of charm and fun goes a long way to getting your design some attention. A thoughtful execution of the idea and lots of shameless promotion is very helpful but it also takes a healthy amount of luck.  Like all competitions, what you bring to it is only part of the outcome, so much depends on the other competitors as well and the designers competing in each series are amazing. 

What advice would you give to the next set of hopeful BDP designers?

Keep building – you’ll only improve each time! Try not to box yourself in by designing with only a focus on becoming a finalist or trying to please everyone. Design something unique that you would want to vote for and have fun.

  • All comments (198)
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
2 days ago
@Middo, thanks for letting me know I’m not alone in waiting. Still no movement so I’ll chase up again in a week🤞.
Victoria, Australia
Victoria, Australia
3 days ago
@Teddg I'm still waiting on mine to arrive aswell and haven't received any communications about it yet either
Vermont, USA
Vermont, USA
4 days ago
bricked4u, I thought I was tripping ;-;
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
6 days ago
Hi, just wondering if anyone else is still waiting for Lego to ship this set to them? They’ve advised me my order will be shipped eventually but at the moment they cannot provide a date as apparently they’re awaiting stock due to insufficient quantities being initially delivered to their distribution warehouse.
Wisconsin, USA
Wisconsin, USA
6 days ago
If anyone has an extra set they would part with at a resonable proce, I'd be interested as I missed out on it.
Pennsylvania, USA
Pennsylvania, USA
2 weeks ago
Several mistakes in the instructions which is disappointing for a higher priced set you also have to wait months for
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
3 weeks ago
If anyone was just buying extra for the points and looking to get their money back, I'd be happy to buy one. I missed out on the Old Fishing Store, and this is about as close as I could get. Although, this is not looking so promising either at this point. :(
Missouri, USA
Missouri, USA
3 weeks ago
@KYSportsFan - Sent you a message.
Kentucky, USA
Kentucky, USA
3 weeks ago
@whelanc I'm interested in your extra set.
Missouri, USA
Missouri, USA
3 weeks ago
All - I have a spare one of these that I would consider selling. I’d be fair - not looking to gouge anyone. Send me a direct message and we can chat.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
3 weeks ago
@Zkoehler we discussed my buying the extra you have when I missed out. Is it too late?
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
3 weeks ago
@nancyblades I do have FB. I am Darlene Marryatt-Ruhs. You could send me a PM.
New Jersey, USA
New Jersey, USA
3 weeks ago
@ruhs do you have a facebook page?
Missouri, USA
Missouri, USA
4 weeks ago
@sarah - I have an extra. Send me a message and we can discuss.
California, USA
California, USA
4 weeks ago
@joksanhdez, do you still have an extra set available? I missed the pre-order on this one.
Arizona, USA
Arizona, USA
Feb 24, 2025, 7:06 PM EST
I have to say that among the more than 100+ Lego sets I've built during all these years, this is the best one so far me and I am only half-way through building it. The ingenuity of the "under water" approach is so cool and the different elements and styles are so cool and unique. Congratulations on developing such a great set and I am looking forward to see what else you will develop in the future. Cheers!
Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada
Feb 22, 2025, 4:04 PM EST
Mine has shipped! So excited for this!
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Feb 22, 2025, 8:42 AM EST
I’m excited. First time building a Bricklink program design. And using the app to build. I like building with a paper guide, the old fashion way 🥳
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Feb 22, 2025, 8:40 AM EST
Hi, Yeah. Delivered this morning. 33 packets!
Johor, Malaysia
Johor, Malaysia
Feb 21, 2025, 7:57 PM EST
Hi guys I'm from Malaysia, for those who wanna sell please do let me know I have no idea whether you can contact me through this comment section below, so in case you can't reach me out, you can directly email to me Appreciate
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
Feb 21, 2025, 1:03 PM EST
Just had an email from Lego to says it's been despatched
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Feb 8, 2025, 5:24 PM EST
While i absolutely love castle and the forest hideout, i find myself most excited about putting this one together. It looks like an absolute blast.
California, USA
California, USA
Feb 8, 2025, 3:30 AM EST
I have an extra one if someone is interested
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Feb 7, 2025, 5:34 AM EST
@patriotbrickco i am very interested. Please send me a message
Alabama, USA
Alabama, USA
Feb 4, 2025, 12:30 PM EST
Hello, is anyone interested in this set who missed the crowdfunding? I may have an extra. Shoot me a message if so.
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Jan 16, 2025, 5:45 PM EST
@Zkoehler, I'd be interested in your offer, I'm also in WA, probably too far to pickup in person but who knows. Andrew Anacortes, WA
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Jan 13, 2025, 2:51 PM EST
I have a copy of this on Pre-Order for sale in the US and I will sell at cost plus applicable fees, and shipping. If we make the deal before shipping begins, I can have it shipped from LEGO directly and won't charge the shipping. I just want the VIP Points which is why I will sell at cost.
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Jan 10, 2025, 10:48 AM EST
Anybody willing to sell theirs? Very sad i missed this release. Happy to pay for shipping ofcourse.
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
Nov 17, 2024, 9:34 AM EST
@Sunwhitey - feel free to reach out to me on instagram @richs_username.
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Nov 16, 2024, 6:39 PM EST
Mr. Herbert, I need to send you a message. How do I do that? Thank you.
Western Australia, Australia
Western Australia, Australia
Nov 10, 2024, 4:23 AM EST
Would anyone like to sell theirs once it arrives? I missed out on the preorder and would like to own a copy due to missing out on the Old Fishing Store many years ago.
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Nov 8, 2024, 12:40 PM EST
@ruhs no problem :-)
Kansas, USA
Kansas, USA
Nov 8, 2024, 3:03 AM EST
@whelanc all of those listings go against their pre-sale policy and can by all rights be contested and removed.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nov 7, 2024, 8:29 PM EST
@Zkoehler I would LOVE to buy this from you when you receive it! I would pay for shipping of course.
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Nov 7, 2024, 6:38 PM EST
I bought one for the Double VIP Points, and I will gladly sell for what I paid for it, when these get ready to ship in a few months.
Missouri, USA
Missouri, USA
Nov 5, 2024, 12:02 PM EST
I don't understand how sets are for sale on eBay NOW, when they won't be shipped for many months. I don't think I'd send someone $ for a set today, based on a price that change a lot between now and shipping date - and how does eBay guarantee a shipment MANY months after the end of the transaction...?
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nov 4, 2024, 9:31 PM EST
@Nicole1185 Thank you for the reply. I very much hope you're right! There are already a couple on sale on Ebay for a lot more than they paid for them. I'm really hoping someone gets two by mistake, or bought a couple and then decide to sell one for around what they paid for it.
New Jersey, USA
New Jersey, USA
Nov 4, 2024, 4:42 PM EST
How to order it?
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
Nov 4, 2024, 3:57 PM EST
@Rich_Herbert I ordered :) Any lobsters in the set?
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Nov 4, 2024, 3:59 AM EST
@ Ruhs: just wait till it is delivered to people who ordered. There will be sets for sale. Price will not be much higher as Lego price, since many people nowadays buy these sets to resell. Around the time the sets are shipped, price will be good.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nova Scotia, Canada
Nov 3, 2024, 6:13 PM EST
My heart is broken... I found out about this too late! I used to be a lobster fisherman with my Dad many years ago, and I've been wanting a nautical set like this since I discovered my love of Lego. I saw the "Old FIshing Store" when I started, but it was already retired and I can't afford what sellers are asking for it now. I was just told about this set today from a Lego rep... and I missed it! :(
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Nov 2, 2024, 1:37 PM EDT
Is it possible to still order one ?
Bratislavský Kraj, Slovakia
Bratislavský Kraj, Slovakia
Nov 1, 2024, 7:56 AM EDT
Where do you find build instructions? Can't wait for it to be shipped it's a beautiful design
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
Nov 1, 2024, 6:24 AM EDT
THANK YOU all so much for your support! I really hope you love the set and I'm so beyond happy with the response from fans during the crowd funding phase. The amount of interest and kind comments is so encouraging! I appreciate you! Thank you again!
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 31, 2024, 3:18 PM EDT
if you check my response bellow, i just had a discussion with lego support about it, after not receiving double points for my order for series 2, the same happened to multiple people, so not sure if your info is more accurate as the one from lego support ?
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Oct 31, 2024, 2:37 PM EDT
@bubu0100 not true these do count for double points
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 30, 2024, 4:13 PM EDT
got another answer and seems that they will try to limit any promotions for bricklink sets, so they will not qualify for the double insiders points, but again if you put it in basket and you still see the double points, i am sure you have the right to get them once delivered
Jönköping, Sweden
Jönköping, Sweden
Oct 30, 2024, 1:32 AM EDT
I'm glad you got the points and yeah that is very strange as you say the 2x points clearly show in the basket when ordering. I'd be pissed if I don't get my 2x points
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 29, 2024, 5:13 PM EDT
So the response is, that bricklink sets are not part of any promo actions like gwp or 2x insiders points. i got the points, but don't really understand the issue. When i put a bricklink set to basked during any gwp, i will not see a gwp. But when i do the same during 2x insiders point for every lego purchase, i see the points clearly in the basket. I dont think there is any clarity on this
Michigan, USA
Michigan, USA
Oct 29, 2024, 3:45 PM EDT
As Harbormaster of a commercial shipping port on the Great Lakes, I am so happy I found this and was able to order one!!
Jönköping, Sweden
Jönköping, Sweden
Oct 28, 2024, 1:46 AM EDT
Please update how it goes
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 27, 2024, 3:57 PM EDT
yeah thanks, sent them a message so lets see
Jönköping, Sweden
Jönköping, Sweden
Oct 27, 2024, 10:58 AM EDT
@bubu0100 If you contact Lego costumer's service they will add the correct amount of vip points to your account. I read someone else who had the same problem as you and he got his 2x points that way
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 25, 2024, 2:46 PM EDT
so have some update on the 2x insiders point, i have ordered the ominous isle during 2x insiders weekend back in june and it was showing all corectly in basket, but now when i actually recieved the set, there is not 2x isiders points given, just the regular amount
Scotland, United Kingdom
Scotland, United Kingdom
Oct 21, 2024, 7:49 AM EDT
Gutted I forgot about this until after the double points but had to grab it anyway, it looks fantastic!
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
Oct 18, 2024, 11:32 PM EDT
I'm going to put this on display with Jaws and the lighthouse
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
Oct 17, 2024, 7:22 PM EDT
Ordered my copy today 😃this will sell out very soon.. don’t see it making it to the 31st crowdfunding end date.
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Oct 17, 2024, 4:12 PM EDT
I just canceled my order and re-ordered to take advantage of the VIP Points.
Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Czech Republic
Oct 16, 2024, 11:53 AM EDT
don't forget the 2x insiders points going on Lego till 20th October. if you buy it now you will get at least additional insiders points and roughly 10% back in insiders points for future loge purchases. not much but by far the best deal you can get on this set
Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada
Oct 15, 2024, 11:10 AM EDT
Its a wonderful set and reminds me of home in NFLD, I've ordered mine and can't wait to build this great set for my ongoing Fisherman Village shelf! :)
Connecticut, USA
Connecticut, USA
Oct 14, 2024, 9:48 AM EDT
Very small
Oct 13, 2024, 6:50 AM EDT
Just ordered mine now! Thanks again for the great idea. :)
Kansas, USA
Kansas, USA
Oct 11, 2024, 10:38 AM EDT
@Piqu no comparison by me! But no other official sets of this theme were released other than the fishing store so that is why I'm surprised this didn't sell out also for those who wanted that set but can't get it anymore.
Texas, USA
Texas, USA
Oct 11, 2024, 3:38 AM EDT
This is going to go great close to my old fishing store and lighthouse. I know the minifigs look different but i have the Jaws set also and im incorporating this all together for a neat sea set !
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Oct 11, 2024, 12:31 AM EDT
I'm very happy to say that this is the first set I have pre-ordered from the BDP! This is a great set as is, as well as alongside past oceanic sets such as the Old Fishing Store. The setting reminds me of many places important to my growing up that display our rich history with the sea in the past and present, which have a blend of old shacks and wharves with more contemporary structures that ultimately serve a similar purpose. With how relevant coastal jobs are to everyone's day-to-day life, I'm really happy to see more sets like this!
Limburg, Netherlands
Limburg, Netherlands
Oct 10, 2024, 4:00 PM EDT
@djlumberjack you cannot compare this to the old fishing store. That was an absolute masterpiece. This is not a bad set, but it does not come close the the look and feel of the old fishing store. This set requires a modern setting to make it fit in and it even requires a busy city area around our it will feel misplaced if you try to expand your city. The old fishing store has way more flexibility since it fits in a remote landscape, works in populater area’s, fits in a modern building style and fits in an older building style. That flexibility is what makes the fishing store so great and this ok/good.
Bayern, Germany
Bayern, Germany
Oct 10, 2024, 2:01 PM EDT
just ordered 2 of them :D. Looking forward to getting them
Vas, Hungary
Vas, Hungary
Oct 10, 2024, 10:08 AM EDT
Ordered my copy too! Fantastic set! Just keep going in the future!
Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Oct 9, 2024, 2:41 PM EDT
Ordered my copy! It's great to see the Octane logo once again.
California, USA
California, USA
Oct 9, 2024, 12:41 PM EDT
Ordered! Excited to expand the coastline of my Lego city. Need more maritime themed sets. Lego are you listening?
Kansas, USA
Kansas, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 6:17 PM EDT
Given the scarcity of the old fishing store, I will be very surprised if this one doesn't sell out before the end of the day. This is a great alternative to those who missed out on that set.
Groningen, Netherlands
Groningen, Netherlands
Oct 8, 2024, 4:09 PM EDT
I absolutely love it, but I already bought 2 sets🥹
South Dakota, USA
South Dakota, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 2:04 PM EDT
this build is wonderful!! order placed!
New Jersey, USA
New Jersey, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 1:42 PM EDT
@rory.olsen that worked! Thank you for the help, I wasn’t sure what was going on there
Utah, USA
Utah, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 1:38 PM EDT
@KyleO47 - try manually changing the site URL to "" in the front. That should hopefully take you to the US version of the site.
New Jersey, USA
New Jersey, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 1:30 PM EDT
Anyone know how to change country on checkout? First time ordering on bricklink and checkout is locked in as Spain
Minnesota, USA
Minnesota, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 12:47 PM EDT
This is the first set I've purchased through Bricklink preorder. I am hoping this will go nicely with my lighthouse. I'm very excited and the artist built a gorgeous set full of details and great fun ideas. Love the below the water scenes too.
Michigan, USA
Michigan, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 12:25 PM EDT
Glad I got one! Will look neat with the Old Fishing Store!
Bayern, Germany
Bayern, Germany
Oct 8, 2024, 11:38 AM EDT
Got it!! Very nice set. This would fit in well with a pretty harbor scene and some fishing boats. We still need some harbor sets...
Colorado, USA
Colorado, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 11:37 AM EDT
got me order in for this set, very pumped for this one!
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Oct 8, 2024, 11:31 AM EDT
Great set, preordered this one.
England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
Oct 8, 2024, 11:27 AM EDT
A few issues, error 505, then it took me to the US Lego page, then the french one. Of course being in the UK it would not process (hopefully not or I've got 3) finally got directed to the Lego UK page. I've got a Lego order confirmation so fingers and toes crossed
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 11:23 AM EDT
Yay got one.That was easier than any of the other times.Usually the website crashes
Tennessee, USA
Tennessee, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 11:15 AM EDT
Got mine
Queensland, Australia
Queensland, Australia
Oct 8, 2024, 11:12 AM EDT
Yes I got 2 of them!!!
Groningen, Netherlands
Groningen, Netherlands
Oct 8, 2024, 11:09 AM EDT
Just managed to order this, looking forward to placing it next to my old fishing store! Thanks for designing this.
Vermont, USA
Vermont, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 11:04 AM EDT
Ordered! 🎉
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 10:58 AM EDT
hopefully it does not crash
Florida, USA
Florida, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 10:54 AM EDT
I just need everyone to know that today (10/8/2024) is National Harbormasters Appreciation Day! Not even kidding! Please share this with your favorite boat enthusiast, local marina or harbormaster office, anyone! I'm so excited, Rich! This is so incredibly AWESOME!!
California, USA
California, USA
Oct 8, 2024, 10:44 AM EDT
I'm broke! My husband is going to kill me.
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Oct 8, 2024, 2:18 AM EDT
I cant wait to buy it !
Michigan, USA
Michigan, USA
Oct 7, 2024, 4:54 PM EDT
Will be making my first Bricklink order tomorrow for two of this set... Awesome design....
Lombardia, Italy
Lombardia, Italy
Oct 5, 2024, 10:35 AM EDT
Really fantastic, Beautiful set , I like it !!!!!
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
BDP Finalist
New Jersey, USA
Sep 28, 2024, 8:32 AM EDT
Hi @JamesESmith, thanks for reaching out and for your support! Please see below. Thank you again! The base is 30 x 42 studs (15.1 x 10.1 inches or 38.4 x 25.6 cm) so it fits comfortably on 1.5 baseplates. The base for the boat is 16 x8 studs (5 x 2.6 inches or 12.8 x 6.7 cm). The boat can be placed anywhere, but if you want it to be snug against the dock as shown in the cover image, the overall footprint would be 38 x 42 studs (16.1 x 12.7 inches or 51.2 x 32.3 cm).
Missouri, USA
Missouri, USA
Sep 26, 2024, 3:35 PM EDT
Great piece, I look forward to ordering it. QUESTION: Is it on the same scale/size as the Old Fishing Store #21310. What are the overall dimensions. Thank you for your creativity and effort.
Groningen, Netherlands
Groningen, Netherlands
Sep 19, 2024, 5:59 AM EDT
As others said, this will go great with my lighthouse and fishing store, but I noticed this model is lifted from the seabed. I guess we need a conversion set to bring the other two on the same level :)
Flevoland, Netherlands
Flevoland, Netherlands
Sep 17, 2024, 7:22 PM EDT
Awesome it will look great next to my old fishing store and the rest off my sea front village designs. Like the dive shop, the light house, the diner, boat repair shop, the harbor masters office, and not to forget my old fishing store etc. I hope I will get one. kind regards Robert and brick on!!
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Sep 17, 2024, 11:03 AM EDT
Aber bitte ändert doch die Farbe des Grundes in tan, damit das auch als Grund rüberkommen kann und einen nicht als zweite Wasseroberfläche irritiert. So wie es jetzt ist, macht es überhaupt keinen Sinn. Ein du kleres blau wäre sogar noch stimmiger als das jetzige hell blau, was normal als Oberfläche bei lego verwendet wird.
California, USA
California, USA
Sep 14, 2024, 10:44 PM EDT
Yes this looks like a really nice set and it too will go with my "Motorized Lighthouse".

More Series 3 Finalists

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