It would be really useful to have the following features when parting out: -
1. on the "edit items" page when you click on the "part id" link can this open
in a popup, as currently it takes you away from the edit page and you loose any
changes you've made when you go back.
2. on the "edit items" page when you click the "part id" link can this load the
part in the new tab with the colour from the set already selected.
3. on the "edit items" page when you click on the "view inventory detail" link
can this open in a popup, as currently it takes you away from the edit page and
you loose any changes you've made when you go back.
4. on the "verify items" page can there be an edit button so if you find a mistake
it can be easily corrected. If you click the back button currently then you loose
all changes you've made.