* Add 6 Part 4265c Light Bluish Gray Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Add 17 Part 4519 Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 3 (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Add 10 Part 32062 Red Technic, Axle 2 Notched (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Change 1 Part Black 3706 Technic, Axle 6 {match ID 0 to 1}
* Change 8 Part Light Bluish Gray 4265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth {match ID 0 to 1}
* Change 16 Part Light Bluish Gray 4519 Technic, Axle 3 {match ID 0 to 1}
* Change 9 Part Red 32062 Technic, Axle 2 Notched {match ID 0 to 1}
Comments from Submitter:
These changes indicate the first version of this set which was apparently deleted from the inventory when the second version was released.