Feedback Forum: Profile of Schredder (3905): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 5394 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 5395 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  GetStones24 (11660)  Mar 3, 2025  27660371  Buyer 
 As always great parts and service, thank You very much!
 Praise  BrickNostalgie (193)  Feb 26, 2025  27660281  Buyer 
 Great service and items, thank You very much!
 Praise  MaiksBrickworld (141)  Feb 26, 2025  27659936  Buyer 
 Great service and items, thank You very much!
 Praise  SzGeorge (35)  Feb 25, 2025  27437014  Seller 
 Again instant payment and friendly communication, thank You very much!
 Praise  Kaefer16rot (797)  Feb 19, 2025  27550427  Buyer 
 Alles bestens, vielen Dank!!
 Praise  Kobracai99 (1)  Feb 17, 2025  27605752  Seller 
 Instant payment, thank You very much and welcome on Bricklink!
 Praise  KraatzBricks (1578)  Feb 17, 2025  27556294  Buyer 
 Excellent Service and items, thank you very much!
 Praise  brickpoint51 (235)  Feb 17, 2025  27555909  Buyer 
 Excellent service and items, great shop!
 Praise  prokopst (8)  Feb 15, 2025  27583856  Seller 
 Instant payment, thank You very much!
 Praise  TanjasBrickshop (336)  Feb 13, 2025  27550726  Buyer 
 Excellent Service and items, thank you very much!

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S/B indicates whether Schredder was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.