Feedback Forum: Profile of DIAX2017 (53): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 51 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 2 

Total: 56 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Brick.mix (1335)  Jul 28, 2023  21646670  Buyer 
 Good Comunication, Great Items, Recomended seller 5*
 Praise  tomte (85045)  Sep 3, 2022  19206936  Buyer 
 5* recomended seller, plaisure to do business with
 Praise  buddhabar (3784)  Jul 4, 2022  19033344  Buyer 
 Praise  Amstelbrickman (1526)  Jun 23, 2022  18872067  Buyer 
 5* recomended seller, plaisure to do business with
 Praise  ZOLCIASZEKPLUS (23473)  Jun 23, 2022  18871468  Buyer 
 5* recomended seller, plaisure to do business with
 Praise  brickconnector (9408)  May 25, 2022  18871867  Buyer 
 All good. Many thanks.
 Praise  igortechnic (2182)  Apr 27, 2022  18403648  Buyer 
 5* recomended seller, plaisure to do business with
 Praise  Bram.Akkermans (3464)  Apr 27, 2022  18566732  Buyer 
 5* recomended seller, plaisure to do business with
 Neutral  Brickster1991 (1167)  Apr 27, 2022  18798272  Buyer 
 good items but bad comunication though
 Neutral  Brickster1991 (1167)  Apr 27, 2022  18797080  Buyer 
 good items but bad comunication though

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S/B indicates whether DIAX2017 was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.