Feedback Forum: Profile of ChasethisLego11 (8): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 6 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 10 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Complaint  mattmayou47 (51)  Oct 4, 2023  22828985  Buyer 
 Didn't even ship after over a month of waiting
 Neutral  IconicBricksUK (3414)  Oct 3, 2023  23115339  Buyer 
 Good but peaces were cracked
 Praise  BRICK_OCEAN (8869)  Oct 3, 2023  22952868  Buyer 
 Neutral  BSW.Bricks (6408)  Oct 3, 2023  22381532  Buyer 
 Cracked good shipping
 Reply: Problems with your order? Let us know and we will provide a suitable solution
 Praise  snoopy1975 (1816)  Oct 3, 2023  22346822  Buyer 
 Praise  Brickholic (99)  Oct 3, 2023  22239197  Buyer 
 Praise  louislaouis (57)  May 15, 2023  21962121  Buyer 
 Great seller, my son was very happy with his purchase.
 Neutral  Dutchbricks (8072)  May 15, 2023  21513426  Buyer 
 Through no fault of the seller I never received this order, it has been sitting
 Reply: beyond my fault, and still neutral feedback. sad....
 Praise  Smilcat (192)  May 15, 2023  20985855  Buyer 
 Condition was as advertised and quick shipping.
 Praise  Ossdorp (1808)  Mar 20, 2023  21512962  Buyer 
 Came in mint condition. I'm very happy with the purchase.

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S/B indicates whether ChasethisLego11 was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.