Feedback Forum: Profile of BricksFever (78): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 127 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 127 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  tynguan (336)  Dec 7, 2024  26876345  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  legoappie (17240)  Dec 6, 2024  26878570  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  Peanutpie44 (3)  Dec 6, 2024  26893258  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  MarVLin (3829)  Dec 6, 2024  26878292  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  PDH002 (290)  Dec 6, 2024  26877793  Seller 
 Great buyer! Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner!
 Praise  ALDA.Bricks (172)  Dec 4, 2024  26877751  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  Schinkel_Bricks (604)  Dec 4, 2024  26875294  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  seballie (125)  Dec 4, 2024  26875088  Seller 
 Great buyer! Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner!
 Praise  Morlok (804)  Aug 16, 2024  25952374  Seller 
 Great buyer! Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner!
 Praise  QL2024 (4)  Jul 28, 2024  25818908  Seller 
 Thank you for ordering at The Construction Corner! Hope to see you again!

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S/B indicates whether BricksFever was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.