Feedback Forum: Profile of WhiteTiger (113): Posted Feedback: Comments
 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  roygal (2336)  Oct 23, 2005  446783  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BLUSER_46508 (134)  Oct 23, 2005  446785  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  LastingToysInc (5681)  Oct 16, 2005  408943  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Old_Grey (1277)  Oct 16, 2005  434758  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  wightcw (3652)  Oct 12, 2005  434665  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  brabant (3294)  Oct 12, 2005  434766  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Madeleine1 (984)  Oct 5, 2005  434682  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb42366 (33)  Oct 4, 2005  434738  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  edeevo (11522)  Oct 4, 2005  438614  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb18546 (3340)  Oct 4, 2005  429101  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Dutchstyle (6402)  Oct 3, 2005  434714  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  hlow88 (430)  Sep 29, 2005  431597  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  C-me (1039)  Sep 29, 2005  434692  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  fumedizzy (1123)  Sep 29, 2005  434765  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  shonboi (12164)  Sep 28, 2005  434729  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  RogueNine (8679)  Sep 28, 2005  434747  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb13491 (3031)  Sep 28, 2005  429127  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BLUSER_4380 (70)  Sep 28, 2005  422029  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb46695 (56)  Sep 27, 2005  434672  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  axmpxl (2772)  Sep 27, 2005  435164  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  alyson (578)  Sep 27, 2005  434754  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BLUSER_46508 (134)  Sep 27, 2005  434706  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BLUSER_33431 (35)  Sep 27, 2005  431601  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  axmpxl (2772)  Sep 27, 2005  431628  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BLUSER_8235 (4856)  Sep 25, 2005  431608  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  MaineBrickyard (5253)  Sep 25, 2005  431621  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Nairb_of_Nogero (1076)  Sep 18, 2005  429115  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb437 (1916)  Sep 11, 2005  421510  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  lecountm (6349)  Sep 7, 2005  421508  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  BrickBrother (4374)  Sep 7, 2005  421955  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  RogueNine (8679)  Sep 7, 2005  422010  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Juiceman (224)  Sep 6, 2005  421514  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  mike711 (338)  Sep 6, 2005  422014  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  binksanator (1623)  Sep 6, 2005  422022  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Helljin (866)  Sep 4, 2005  421502  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bb13878 (1858)  Aug 30, 2005  422018  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  joanminney (762)  Aug 30, 2005  421512  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  bondstar (846)  Aug 29, 2005  419055  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  mhuffman (1019)  Aug 29, 2005  414226  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  nicor (4787)  Aug 25, 2005  414722  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  Slartibartfast (1378)  Aug 25, 2005  412888  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance
 Praise  tezzajw (113)  Aug 24, 2005  411832  Buyer 
 Thankyou all items recieved and I am most pleased with your service
 Praise  alyson (578)  Aug 24, 2005  408433  Buyer 
 Praise  alyson (578)  Jul 26, 2005  400995  Buyer 
 All items recieved in good order, thankyou very much for your assistance

S/B indicates whether WhiteTiger was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.