Feedback Forum: Profile of Epicure_studio2 (283): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  BSW.Bricks (6958)  Dec 20, 2024  26916380  Buyer 
 Praise  ChromeBricks (61041)  Dec 4, 2024  26847456  Buyer 
 Smooth transaction! Thank you for shopping in our store.
 Praise  amilewicz (227)  Dec 4, 2024  26593495  Buyer 
 Thanks and have a great time with Lego
 Praise  BrickCastle60 (39699)  Nov 28, 2024  26725657  Buyer 
 Thanks for buying from Bruno's Brick Depot, very fast payment, many thanks+++
 Praise  3_BRICKS (40308)  Nov 27, 2024  26768280  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  tomte (85025)  Nov 26, 2024  26663726  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  GetStones24 (11677)  Nov 25, 2024  26776487  Buyer 
 Everything perfect, anytime welcome again :)
 Praise  antant7 (800)  Nov 21, 2024  26762377  Buyer 
 Thank you very much for choosing Save-A-Brick. Hope to see you again soon!
 Praise (1682)  Nov 16, 2024  26717590  Buyer 
 Highly recommended. Excellent transaction.
 Praise  coloredbricks (20361)  Nov 16, 2024  26663725  Buyer 
 Very fast payment, excellent buyer! Be welcome again at!
 Praise  tomte (85025)  Nov 15, 2024  26593476  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  kirikou (41)  Nov 15, 2024  26593492  Buyer 
 Praise  realpink (4384)  Nov 12, 2024  26488140  Buyer 
 Thank you very much!
 Praise  sw_minifigs (12089)  Nov 12, 2024  26364610  Buyer 
 Thanks for ordering at kleinesteinewelt! Very good Buyer :)
 Praise  Mikestax (349)  Nov 12, 2024  26663774  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping @ MikeStaxStore - Happy to serve you again anytime
 Praise  BrickCastle60 (39699)  Nov 7, 2024  26488135  Buyer 
 Thanks for buying from Bruno's Brick Depot, very fast payment, many thanks+++
 Praise  BrickCastle60 (39699)  Nov 7, 2024  26134041  Buyer 
 Thanks for buying from Bruno's Brick Depot, very fast payment, many thanks+++
 Praise  JWVersluis (4610)  Nov 5, 2024  26511888  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thank you for buying at Fire Brickies! Welcome back anytime!
 Praise  coloredbricks (20361)  Nov 2, 2024  26511881  Buyer 
 Very fast payment, excellent buyer! Be welcome again at!
 Praise  tomte (85025)  Nov 1, 2024  26511876  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  WillemJan (539)  Oct 31, 2024  26488177  Buyer 
 Great comunications, buyer past fast! Thank you
 Praise  Figsbricks (26861)  Oct 30, 2024  26511884  Buyer 
  A great member, always welcome @ Figsbricks !
 Praise  KiSebA (32971)  Oct 30, 2024  26511897  Buyer 
 Awesome. Thanks a lot for the smooth transaction. KiSebA :-)
 Praise  BrickFlip (3820)  Oct 26, 2024  26488138  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, prompt and reliable - a pleasure to deal with anytime!
 Praise  timby (32540)  Oct 25, 2024  26511894  Buyer 
 excellent buyer, thanks for shopping @ Timby's Cellar
 Praise  Brickcellar (6406)  Oct 24, 2024  26511946  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer!
 Praise (2975)  Oct 24, 2024  26488170  Buyer 
 👍Merci pour votre achat & votre confiance, Thanks 4 your purchase & your trust✨
 Praise  BrickFeverParts (25183)  Oct 22, 2024  26488127  Buyer 
 ✔ Thank you very much! Great buyer, welcome back anytime ☺ - BrickFever ♥ LEGO
 Praise  Sorata (540)  Oct 21, 2024  26488172  Buyer 
 Paiement rapide, Acheteur de confiance, merci pour votre achat chez Le OneBrick.
 Praise  Anemone39 (20035)  Oct 15, 2024  26134839  Buyer 
 Always a great pleasure to deal with, hope to see you soon again :-) :-)
 Praise  nerdgeek (2193)  Oct 7, 2024  26222922  Buyer 
 🤓 Thank you for your order at nerdgeek and quick payment! Enjoy your parts
 Praise  stefxan (4720)  Oct 3, 2024  26256134  Buyer 
 everything was awesome, recommended customer
 Praise  brickofolies (3959)  Oct 3, 2024  26256129  Buyer 
 Acheteur de confiance. Merci pour ce nouvel achat et à bientôt avec plaisir !
 Praise  Wolle1234 (5866)  Oct 1, 2024  26279408  Buyer 
 Alles Super gelaufen immer wieder gerne
 Praise  3_BRICKS (40308)  Oct 1, 2024  26222948  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  Brick1932 (2061)  Sep 24, 2024  26256131  Buyer 
 ✔✔ Excellent, thank you for buying @ Brick 1932 ✔✔
 Praise  KiSebA (32971)  Sep 24, 2024  26222960  Buyer 
 The team of KiSeba say thank you for your purchase. :-)
 Praise  tomte (85025)  Sep 24, 2024  26222925  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  LeGold (14131)  Sep 23, 2024  25058924  Buyer 
 A pleasure to deal with you. Always welcome at LeGold
 Praise  prandrea (4629)  Sep 20, 2024  26134092  Buyer 
 Thank you by LEGAREMILANO!! Great buyer and very fast payment!
 Praise  coloredbricks (20361)  Sep 19, 2024  26134135  Buyer 
 Very fast payment, excellent buyer! Be welcome again at!
 Praise  THE.BRICK.TIME (24898)  Sep 18, 2024  26222998  Buyer 
 👍 EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for stopping at THE BRICK TIME - Store
 Praise  THE.BRICK.TIME (24898)  Sep 18, 2024  26134141  Buyer 
 👍 EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for stopping at THE BRICK TIME - Store
 Praise  MagicMagnus (64149)  Sep 18, 2024  26222941  Buyer 
 Fast payment, smooth transaction, thanks! Visit our store again at Magic Magnus!
 Praise  timby (32540)  Sep 18, 2024  26222946  Buyer 
  excellent buyer, thanks for shopping @ Timby's Cellar
 Praise  BunteSteinewelt (2534)  Sep 18, 2024  26222932  Buyer 
 Thank you very much for shopping @ Bunte Steinewelt
 Praise  thelegog (633)  Sep 17, 2024  26134070  Buyer 
 A+ Great buyer, fast payment, highly recommended. Thank you for your order.
 Praise  generationbrick (10051)  Sep 17, 2024  26222930  Buyer 
 Thanks for buying again from Generation Bricks
 Praise  superbelem (9884)  Sep 13, 2024  26134043  Buyer 
  Excellent buyer fast payment and great communication Welcome back anytime :)
 Praise  tomte (85025)  Sep 12, 2024  26134825  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.

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