Feedback Forum: Profile of cappyone5877 (17): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  jedifireman219 (952)  Oct 4, 2024  26371364  Buyer 
 Great customer. Thank you for shopping at Lord Business Lair.
 Praise  TedNFlitsBricks (8096)  Oct 4, 2024  26313313  Buyer 
 Fast payment..Excellent buyer...Welcome back to TedNFlits anytime!!!
 Praise  eightbitbricks (2131)  Oct 1, 2024  26249864  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you from Eightbits Brick Emporium! Come back soon!
 Praise  fcb (7336)  Sep 28, 2024  26313427  Buyer 
  Thank you for shopping at fat cat block.
 Neutral  RestoredBricks (5293)  Sep 28, 2024  26249059  Buyer 
 Praise  isaacmflorez101 (5996)  Sep 23, 2024  26249834  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Highly recommend. Thanks for supporting Epicbricks!
 Praise  Rainbowuser (7009)  Sep 23, 2024  26249914  Buyer 
 Quick payment, smooth transaction, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  CLBShop (217)  Nov 21, 2023  23269974  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping with us! Hope to see you again!

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