Feedback Forum: Profile of Brianjsbricks (17): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  sams_son (129)  Oct 19, 2024  26422019  Seller 
 great after sale support after listing colours incorrectly
 Praise  AutomailSpine (21)  Oct 10, 2024  26138535  Seller 
 No complaints and quick delivery.
 Praise  clementine (484)  Sep 30, 2024  26248522  Seller 
 Reliable seller. Thanks 👍
 Praise  LEGOMANADAM (2109)  Sep 14, 2024  26074240  Seller 
 Great thanks
 Praise  ARBlackshaw (54)  Sep 10, 2024  26115436  Seller 
 Came in good condition.
 Praise  Liam_Lovell (347)  Sep 7, 2024  26080182  Seller 
 Good communication, quick postage.
 Praise  RedlandsBricks (279)  Jul 8, 2024  25588266  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping with redlandsbricks

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