Feedback Forum: Profile of Epicure_studio2 (283): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Anemone39 (20039)  Sep 10, 2024  26065530  Buyer 
 Always a great pleasure to deal with, hope to see you soon again :-) :-)
 Praise  3_BRICKS (40322)  Sep 9, 2024  26065532  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  VikingsBricks (698)  Sep 8, 2024  25675645  Buyer 
 perfect buyer thanks
 Praise  bspkiste (10586)  Aug 14, 2024  25667637  Buyer 
 Thank You for your order at Unlimited-Bricks
 Praise  3_BRICKS (40322)  Aug 12, 2024  25752879  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  nice_stock (33647)  Jul 31, 2024  25159404  Buyer 
 super buyer - welcome back to Brick Mania !!!
 Praise  nice_stock (33647)  Jul 31, 2024  25009372  Buyer 
 super buyer - welcome back to Brick Mania !!!
 Praise  timby (32546)  Jul 29, 2024  25667633  Buyer 
 excellent buyer, thanks for shopping @ Timby's Cellar
 Praise  brickofolies (3960)  Jul 24, 2024  25667624  Buyer 
 Acheteur sérieux. Transaction parfaite. Merci et à bientôt avec plaisir ++++
 Praise  3_BRICKS (40322)  Jul 23, 2024  25667626  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  1234bricks (11422)  Jul 22, 2024  25159407  Buyer 
 The Brickway likes to supermegaultraextraturbofantasticthankyou!
 Praise  barando (8613)  Jul 22, 2024  25675518  Buyer 
  Fast payment. Smooth transaction. Top buyer. Anytime again!!
 Praise  superbelem (9889)  Jul 19, 2024  25667629  Buyer 
  Excellent buyer fast payment and great communication Welcome back anytime :)
 Praise  tomte (85036)  Jul 17, 2024  25675513  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Brick Takeover. You are always welcome.
 Praise  BrickUniversum (13663)  Jul 16, 2024  25667644  Buyer 
  Excellent Buyer, Very fast payment. Always welcome to Brick Universum. A+++++++
 Praise  brexchange (8987)  Jul 15, 2024  25638062  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing BrExchange! Welcome back! <3
 Praise  EDOM (4058)  Jul 15, 2024  25667646  Buyer 
 Alles prima! Immer willkommen bei Bricks On The Euro! Danke!
 Praise  ChromeBricks (61049)  Jul 12, 2024  25667628  Buyer 
 Smooth transaction! Thank you for shopping in our store.
 Praise  BunteSteinewelt (2543)  Jul 12, 2024  25667636  Buyer 
 Thank you very much for shopping @ Bunte Steinewelt
 Praise  1001bricks (54247)  Jul 11, 2024  25667399  Buyer 
 Mille et un mercis pour votre commande et fidélité à 1001bricks ! Welcome back !
 Praise  BrickCoast (47726)  Jul 11, 2024  25667642  Buyer 
 Thank you! BrickCoast Team
 Praise  Bram.Akkermans (3464)  Jul 11, 2024  25667627  Buyer 
 Thanks! Great buyer, smooth transaction! Always welcome @BramsBouwstenen! 🎉
 Praise  MagicMagnus (64166)  Jul 11, 2024  25667634  Buyer 
 Fast payment, smooth transaction, thanks! Visit our store again at Magic Magnus!
 Praise (2979)  Jul 11, 2024  25667667  Buyer 
 👍Merci pour votre achat & votre confiance, Thanks 4 your purchase & your trust✨
 Praise  BellaBricks (1575)  Jul 10, 2024  24082835  Buyer 
 Top acheteur merci ;^*

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