Feedback Forum: Profile of kennyyu88 (16): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  RouvenSch1982 (736)  Aug 1, 2022  19692084  Seller 
 ***** very quick, everything was perfect *****
 Praise  Lamondera (672)  Jul 27, 2022  19668451  Buyer 
 Smooth transaction, good buyer
 Praise  fanhio (3147)  Jul 23, 2022  19627324  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at EB Toys! Hope to see you again!
 Praise  zedcat (998)  Jul 21, 2022  19627307  Buyer 
 Excellent customer and fast payment. Welcome any time.
 Praise  silchester (2861)  Dec 30, 2012  3260220  Buyer 
 Quick payer. Thanks for shopping @ Kamino Supply Post.
 Praise  godfrey (973)  Sep 4, 2011  2295351  Buyer 
 glad you enjoy your purchase. great BL'er. fast payment!! AAA

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