Feedback Forum: Profile of JustOneMoreBrik (1034): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Jtuba (70)  Jan 26, 2025  26853179  Seller 
 Good Service
 Praise  Studbee (5523)  Jan 21, 2025  26814732  Seller 
 All good, thank you!
 Praise  DanielGamze (264)  Jan 20, 2025  27337500  Seller 
 Great service and product. Thank you.
 Praise  Bryarsmith44 (7)  Jan 19, 2025  27086660  Seller 
 Package came quickly and everything was correct. I would buy from them again!
 Praise  BrickInBox42 (793)  Jan 17, 2025  27133414  Seller 
 A1 service
 Praise  dereksmall (1147)  Jan 17, 2025  27214472  Buyer 
 Great Buyer!!
 Praise  bsstar12 (25)  Jan 14, 2025  27184554  Seller 
 All parts arrived safely and were easy to verify the count of the order.
 Praise  kdrew257 (100)  Jan 12, 2025  27171713  Seller 
 All parts received and in great condition. Thanks!
 Praise  mbwestodysie (177)  Jan 6, 2025  27092995  Seller 
 Perfect. Thanks!
 Praise  Dacritta (855)  Jan 5, 2025  27066801  Seller 

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