Feedback Forum: Profile of stash2sixx (671): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  sheckyb (246)  Nov 17, 2024  26652184  Buyer 
 good communication and fast payment. A+
 Praise  Brick_Builder_S (383)  Nov 16, 2024  26583846  Buyer 
 Great buyer!
 Praise  BlainesWorld (10332)  Nov 14, 2024  26652181  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Welcome back to Blaines World anytime!
 Praise  LIFEBrickSBL (5992)  Nov 12, 2024  26651048  Buyer 
 Excellent Buyer, A+!
 Praise  BrickOutLoud (5554)  Nov 8, 2024  26657746  Buyer 
 Thank you.
 Praise  michaelhunt (1919)  Nov 7, 2024  26583868  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for buying from Brick Counters Bazaar!
 Praise  youngerandson (2420)  Nov 5, 2024  26583874  Buyer 
 Thank you for your business.
 Praise  BrickfordBricks (3165)  Nov 4, 2024  26583827  Buyer 
 Excellent Buyer! Thanks For Shopping at Brickford Bricks!
 Praise  dwarunek (10472)  Nov 2, 2024  26452377  Buyer 
 Great Buyer - Thanks again
 Praise  Nikilyn (8752)  Nov 2, 2024  26583793  Buyer 
 Paid quickly, a great transaction! Thank you!

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