Feedback Forum: Profile of tedthomas199 (336): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  felwater13 (231)  Nov 11, 2024  26669500  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Easy to deal with
 Praise  mps3chicago85 (1873)  Nov 8, 2024  26660749  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thanks for stopping by!
 Praise  TPM_Bricks (87)  Nov 7, 2024  26567445  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at our store. Trusted Buyer!A+++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Praise  Dagooo (2110)  Nov 7, 2024  26620521  Buyer 
 Excellent Customer :) Thank you for shopping Dagooozle's!!
 Praise  ryjacks (534)  Nov 5, 2024  26533202  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Great to work with! Thank you!
 Praise  Brick_Squatch (2039)  Nov 5, 2024  26608844  Buyer 
 Thanks for another great order!
 Praise  DaddyDude (119)  Nov 4, 2024  26630665  Buyer 
 Awesome Buyer! Thank you for shopping @ Daddy Dude's Bricks!
 Praise  electricbaer (9416)  Nov 4, 2024  26617381  Buyer 
 A true pleasure to work with this TOP NOTCH buyer!! Always welcome @ BRIX SHACK!
 Praise  Shroo26 (515)  Nov 4, 2024  26609067  Buyer 
 Excellent customer, thank you for letting us serve you!
 Praise  TheBrickResort (3313)  Nov 3, 2024  26510541  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing The Brick Resort and leaving feedback!

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