Feedback Forum: Profile of mjtruj (14): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  sticb (989)  Sep 20, 2024  26246023  Buyer 
 Thsnk's for your order and fast payment. Enjoy your LEGO 🌹🌷🌼
 Praise  TheBrickResort (3612)  Sep 14, 2024  26173141  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing The Brick Resort and leaving feedback!
 Praise  aaronaar (734)  Sep 12, 2024  26186872  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at Balloon Bricks! Happy building :)
 Praise  HHBricks (1210)  Sep 10, 2024  26173117  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order! Great to work with!

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