Feedback Forum: Profile of cubhat (-36): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Complaint  MinifigsMonthly (696)  May 25, 2024  25198456  Buyer 
 NPB. No response, order cancelled.
 Complaint  BigBBricks (16676)  May 25, 2024  25224448  Buyer 
 NPB Complete
 Complaint  HHBricks (1190)  May 24, 2024  25199178  Buyer 
 Complaint  rvalkenburg (722)  May 24, 2024  25199190  Buyer 
 Non-payment, no communications. Would not recommend doing business with
 Complaint  KnC_Bricks (384)  May 24, 2024  25224568  Buyer 
 Non paying buyer. Not a valid address.
 Complaint  kellyk (4615)  May 23, 2024  25200128  Buyer 
 Non-Paying Buyer - No communication
 Complaint  ElvisandBane (2878)  May 22, 2024  25224522  Buyer 
 remove this buyer, places orders and doesnt pay
 Complaint  BrickHeads (2611)  May 21, 2024  25224454  Buyer 
 Non Paying Buyer
 Complaint  BunkysBricks (281)  May 20, 2024  25199170  Buyer 
 Did not pay invoice. Bogus mailing address.
 Complaint  RockyRacoon (168)  May 20, 2024  25232070  Buyer 
 No response

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