Feedback Forum: Profile of RogueZombie (54): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  bricklabtx (4144)  Apr 25, 2024  24875479  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping at brickLAB
 Praise  bricklabtx (4144)  Mar 12, 2024  24561765  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping at brickLAB
 Praise  MTtummy (807)  Feb 12, 2024  24246887  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Thanks for shopping at M and Ms Masterpieces. Come back soon.
 Praise  CorkyandMaries (633)  Jan 26, 2024  24246881  Buyer 
 Thank you for purchasing from Corky and Marie's!
 Praise  BurnsBrickHouse (3312)  Jan 25, 2024  23369141  Buyer 
 great experience!
 Praise  dfresh (2099)  Oct 29, 2023  23457787  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order!!
 Praise  allbrickbuffet (5230)  Oct 29, 2023  23457795  Buyer 
 Thank You For Choosing All Brick Buffet!
 Praise  Brixalotl (19257)  Oct 18, 2023  23369135  Buyer 
 Easy to work with, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  dolphinfree (1788)  Oct 18, 2023  23369160  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer. Thanks for your business!
 Praise  bricklabtx (4144)  Oct 17, 2023  23267428  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping at brickLAB

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