Feedback Forum: Profile of imarketd (101): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Imac1138 (7)  Dec 15, 2023  23505902  Buyer 
 good buyer, easy purchase
 Praise  BrixasTX (134)  Dec 11, 2023  23594671  Buyer 
 Thank you.
 Praise  coxjeff95 (333)  Dec 11, 2023  23000273  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thank you for shopping at everything brickels!
 Praise  madsbricks (54)  Nov 30, 2023  23687428  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order and quick payment!
 Praise  madsbricks (54)  Nov 30, 2023  23687414  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order and quick payment!
 Praise  StudMuffinL3G0 (89)  Nov 27, 2023  23594669  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thanks for choosing Studmuffin Minifigs!
 Praise  Sean13 (13)  Nov 21, 2023  23589068  Buyer 
 Good Buyer! Prompt payment, hope they are happy!
 Praise  rebelbrickz (1745)  Nov 21, 2023  23594649  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for shopping at rebelbrickz!
 Praise  chetzler (2464)  Nov 20, 2023  23597794  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for your order, please stop by again!
 Praise  JR00 (444)  Nov 19, 2023  23594695  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thank you for shopping at Lunar Sky.

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