Feedback Forum: Profile of watsonc (193): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  LifeInPieces (3968)  Dec 14, 2021  17835461  Buyer 
 Fast payment and great attitude! Thank you for shopping at Life in Pieces
 Praise  Heartbricker (19346)  Oct 5, 2021  17303531  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at The Heart Bricker!
 Praise  jd0821 (763)  Jan 19, 2021  15058767  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! ALWAYS welcome back!
 Praise  Arcus02 (757)  Jan 11, 2021  15059029  Buyer 
 Fantastic buyer, highly recommended!
 Praise  Country_Bricks (2956)  Oct 24, 2020  14392284  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping Country_Bricks
 Praise  amyfol (58621)  Oct 16, 2020  14392290  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Till next time at Kentuckiana Bricks!
 Praise  JustBricks (1423)  Oct 13, 2020  14392299  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thank you for your order!
 Praise  gwurst (4010)  Oct 12, 2020  14392306  Buyer 
 Welcome! Thanks for the order and quick payment!
 Praise  edeevo (11599)  Sep 14, 2020  14189281  Buyer 
 Always, always, always a GREAT buyer! Thanks again!!!
 Praise  Cali_Bricks2 (11270)  Aug 23, 2020  14009038  Buyer 
 Amazing Buyer - Thank You ... Always welcome at Cali_bricks2!!!

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