Feedback Forum: Profile of wgeorge139 (148): Comments
 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Gsananes (239)  Feb 26, 2022  18532747  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Prompt payment. Thanks for shopping Brick-Wars
 Praise  Janeandbin (4186)  Feb 20, 2022  18417494  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, thank you for ordering from BJ Precede Set & Bricks!
 Praise  gbg108 (329)  Feb 17, 2022  18401701  Buyer 
 Thanks for entrusting us w/ your order! It was a pleasure doing business w/ you!
 Praise  CheesyBeans21 (43)  Jan 31, 2022  18260589  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thank you!
 Praise  DougUSMC (337)  Jan 29, 2022  18141608  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast payment, thanks!
 Praise  djk (176)  Jan 12, 2022  18079111  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thanks again & enjoy the build! -Bricks in the Burgh
 Praise  mojavamama (2783)  Jan 9, 2022  17961237  Buyer 
 Thank you for shopping at MOJAVAMAMA'S BRICKHOUSE!!!
 Praise  phmckenzie (2207)  Dec 16, 2021  17871049  Buyer 
 Fast Payment, Great Customer, Thanks for shopping with Top Bricks!
 Praise  iccarus (544)  Dec 5, 2021  17733626  Buyer 
 Prompt payment. Thanks and enjoy!
 Praise  Vitani (99)  Dec 3, 2021  17637045  Buyer 
 Great customer, fast payment, thank you for your business!

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