Feedback Forum: Profile of Jjspitfire (100): Positive Comments
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Jjspitfire (100)

Location:  USA, Iowa
Member Since Contact Type Status
Aug 23, 2019 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  minifigmountain (5786)  Dec 23, 2024  27058313  Buyer 
 Instant payment, thanks for shopping with me!
 Praise  DerikStorey (4181)  Dec 19, 2024  26994036  Buyer 
 Great customer and smooth transaction! Thank you for using World of Minifigs!
 Praise  mreh1234 (3373)  Dec 9, 2024  26780002  Buyer 
 A+ Transaction. Thank you for your business!
 Praise  kreativsnail (3130)  Dec 9, 2024  26940186  Buyer 
 Kreativ Store thanks you for your order. SNAILED IT !
 Praise  malofish (741)  Dec 8, 2024  25824975  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order!
 Praise  malofish (741)  Dec 8, 2024  25742120  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order!
 Praise  Morabrick (373)  Nov 22, 2024  26119371  Buyer 
 Great buyer, everything was smooth, thanks for the order!
 Praise  bricklabtx (3663)  Nov 18, 2024  26597249  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping at brickLAB
 Praise  kwmcmillan (6708)  Nov 18, 2024  26738234  Buyer 
 Super speedy payment - Thanks for shopping!
 Praise  Phizzy15 (5961)  Nov 16, 2024  26692516  Buyer 
 Excellent customer, thank you for choosing S'more Bricks!

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