Image | Item No. | Description |
| 6026c01 (Inv) | Alligator / Crocodile with 8 Teeth Catalog: Parts: Animal, Water |
| 57789c01 (Inv) | Boat, Hull Unitary 74 x 18 x 7 with Light Bluish Gray Top Catalog: Parts: Boat |
| 3137c02 (Inv) | Brick, Modified 2 x 2 with Red Wheels for Dually Tire Catalog: Parts: Wheel |
| 3137c01 (Inv) | Brick, Modified 2 x 2 with Red Wheels for Single Tire Catalog: Parts: Wheel |
| 33172c01 (Inv) | Carrot with Bright Green Top (33172 / 33183) Catalog: Parts: Food & Drink |
| 4738bc01 (Inv) | Container, Treasure Chest with No Slots in Back and (Same Color) Thin Hinge Curved Lid (4738b / 4739b) Catalog: Parts: Container |
| 30179c06 (Inv) | Door, Frame 1 x 4 x 6 with 4 Holes on Top and Bottom with Dark Bluish Gray Door with 3 Panes and Square Handle with Fixed Trans-Light Blue Glass (30179 / x39c01) Catalog: Parts: Door, Frame |
| 6129c02 (Inv) | Dragon, Classic Catalog: Parts: Animal, Air |
| 2161c02 (Inv) | Duplo Airplane Jetliner Engine with Blue Propeller (2161c01 / 2159) Catalog: Parts: DUPLO, Aircraft |
| 52364c01 (Inv) | Duplo Catapult Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 42404c02 (Inv) | Duplo Forklift Truck with Large and Small Black Wheels and Black Forklift Plate Catalog: Parts: DUPLO, Vehicle |
| 4654c02 (Inv) | Duplo Hose Reel Holder 2 x 2 with Light Gray Drum, Yellow Hook, String Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 4654c04 (Inv) | Duplo Hose Reel Holder 2 x 2 with Red Drum, Yellow Hook, String Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 4654c03 (Inv) | Duplo Hose Reel Holder 2 x 2 with Yellow Drum, Light Gray Hose Nozzle with Handles, String Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 2033c01 (Inv) | Duplo Ladder 13 Rung on Ladder Stand 2 x 4 Turntable Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 6527c01 (Inv) | Duplo Technic Wedge Belt Pulley with 28L Cord (x77b) and Duplo Hook Short With Crossbar Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 41169c04 (Inv) | Duplo Winch Drum Narrow with White String and Black Thick Hook Fixed with Stud Holder and Horizontal Bar Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 41169c01 (Inv) | Duplo Winch Drum Narrow with White String and Black Thin Hook Fixed with Stud Holder Catalog: Parts: DUPLO |
| 4911c05 (Inv) | Duplo, Furniture Toilet with Dark Pink Seat (4911 / 4912) Catalog: Parts: DUPLO, Furniture |
| bb0045c01 (Inv) | Electric 4.5V Battery Box 6 x 11 x 3 Type I for 1-Prong Connectors Catalog: Parts: Electric, Battery Box |
| 2847c02 (Inv) | Electric 9V Battery Box 4 x 14 x 4 with Red Buttons and Contact Plate with Yellow Base (2846 / 2847c00) Catalog: Parts: Electric, Battery Box |
| 2775c01 (Inv) | Electric, Connector, 2-Way Male Squared Wide Short Catalog: Parts: Electric, Wire & Connector |
| x550a (Inv) | Electric, Motor 12V 12 x 4 x 3 1/3 with Two Side Holes (Train) Catalog: Parts: Electric, Motor |
| bb0006 (Inv) | Electric, Motor 4.5V Type B 12 x 4 x 3 1/3 (Train) Catalog: Parts: Electric, Motor |
| 787c04 (Inv) | Fabuland Roof Support Slope, 6 x 2 with Green Fabuland Roof Slope with Chimney Hole (787 / 789) Catalog: Parts: Fabuland |
| 787c02 (Inv) | Fabuland Roof Support Slope, 6 x 2 with Green Fabuland Roof Slope without Chimney Hole (787 / 4323) Catalog: Parts: Fabuland |
| 787c05 (Inv) | Fabuland Roof Support Slope, 6 x 2 with Light Gray Fabuland Roof Slope without Chimney Hole (787 / 4323) Catalog: Parts: Fabuland |
| 787c03 (Inv) | Fabuland Roof Support Slope, 6 x 2 with Red Fabuland Roof Slope with Chimney Hole (787 / 789) Catalog: Parts: Fabuland |
| 787c01 (Inv) | Fabuland Roof Support Slope, 6 x 2 with Red Fabuland Roof Slope without Chimney Hole (787 / 4323) Catalog: Parts: Fabuland |
| 970c11 (Inv) | Hips and Black Legs Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Legs |
| 652pb01 (Inv) | HO Scale, Mercedes Box Truck with Trailer Catalog: Parts: HO 1:87 Vehicles |
| 840c01 (Inv) | Homemaker Washbasin Sink with Chrome Silver Tap Catalog: Parts: Homemaker |
| 73590c01a (Inv) | Hose, Flexible 8.5L with (Same Color) Tabless Ends Catalog: Parts: Hose |
| 73590c01b (Inv) | Hose, Flexible 8.5L with Black Tabless Ends Catalog: Parts: Hose |
| 850c02 (Inv) | Ladder 10.4cm (collapsed) 2-Piece (850 / 851b) Catalog: Parts: Ladder |
| 884a (Inv) | Mindstorms RCX 1.0 with Power Jack - Complete Brick Catalog: Parts: Electric, Programmable |
| 884b (Inv) | Mindstorms RCX 1.0 without Power Jack (from Mindstorms 1.5 sets) - Complete Brick Catalog: Parts: Electric, Programmable |
| 884c (Inv) | Mindstorms RCX 2.0 without Power Jack - Complete Brick Catalog: Parts: Electric, Programmable |
| 2684c01b (Inv) | Monorail Motor 9V with Long Couplings Catalog: Parts: Monorail |
| 2684c01a (Inv) | Monorail Motor 9V with Short Couplings Catalog: Parts: Monorail |
| 72826 (Inv) | Paper Scoreboard Numbers - (72826/4119241) Catalog: Parts: Paper |
| 4694bc01 (Inv) | Pneumatic Switch with Pin Holes Catalog: Parts: Pneumatic |
| 2547c02 (Inv) | Sawfish with Debossed Eyes Catalog: Parts: Animal, Water |
| 2547c01 (Inv) | Shark with Pointed Nose and Debossed Eyes Catalog: Parts: Animal, Water |
| 30636c03 (Inv) | String Reel 1 x 4 x 2 Complete with String and Black Boat Anchor Catalog: Parts: String Reel / Winch |
| 4209c06 (Inv) | String Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder with Black Drum with Black String Medium and Yellow Hose Nozzle Elaborate (4209 / 4208 / x77c / 60849) Catalog: Parts: String Reel / Winch |
| 32183c01 (Inv) | Technic, Shock Absorber 10L Damped, Piston Rod with Gasket Assembly Catalog: Parts: Technic, Shock Absorber |
| 2909c03 (Inv) | Technic, Shock Absorber 9.5L (Soft Spring) Catalog: Parts: Technic, Shock Absorber |
| 973pb0253c01 (Inv) | Torso 'RED SOX' Baseball Jersey Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor. |
| 973pa2c01 (Inv) | Torso Adventurers Desert Pharaoh Breastplate Pattern (Hotep) / Black Arms / Red Hands Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor. |