Inv ID |
Image |
Qty |
Item No |
Description |
Regular Items: |
Parts: |
336136 | * | 2 | 57587 | Black Brick, Round 7 x 7 x 4 Dome Top Catalog: Parts: Brick, Round | |
336135 | * | 10 | 32072 | Black Technic Knob Cog / Gear / Wheel with Axle Hole (+ Orientation) Catalog: Parts: Technic | |
336121 | * | 13 | 3705 | Black Technic, Axle 4L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336122 | * | 2 | 3706 | Black Technic, Axle 6L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336123 | * | 6 | 3707 | Black Technic, Axle 8L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336124 | * | 3 | 3737 | Black Technic, Axle 10L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336125 | * | 1 | 3708 | Black Technic, Axle 12L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336117 | * | 2 | 32013 | Black Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Angled #1 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336126 | * | 10 | 6536 | Black Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336129 | * | 5 | 32523 | Black Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 3 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336130 | * | 4 | 32316 | Black Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 5 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336131 | * | 8 | 32524 | Black Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 7 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336132 | * | 10 | 32525 | Black Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 11 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336133 | * | 21 | 32278 | Black Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 15 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336134 | * | 3 | 6629 | Black Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick 1 x 9 (6 - 4) Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336127 | * | 3 | 32293 | Black Technic, Link 1 x 9 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Link | |
336128 | * | 8 | 32138 | Black Technic, Pin Double with Axle Hole Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336118 | * | 9 | 6628 | Black Technic, Pin with Friction Ridges and Tow Ball (Undetermined Type) Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336119 | * | 73 | 2780 | Black Technic, Pin with Short Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336138 | * | 22 | 43093 | Blue Technic, Axle 1L with Pin with Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336137 | * | 58 | 6558 | Blue Technic, Pin 3L with Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336143 | * | 1 | 47312 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Head Connector Block (Toa Metru) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336210 | * | 1 | 47306 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Hips / Lower Torso with 2 Ball Joint and 7 Tooth Half Gear Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336144 | * | 2 | 45749 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Rahkshi Leg Lower Section Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336141 | * | 2 | 53548 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Toa Inika Leg Lower Section Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336145 | * | 4 | 53543 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Toa Inika Thigh Cover Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336142 | * | 1 | 53545 | Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Toa Inika Upper Torso / Shoulders Section Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336139 | * | 2 | 6587 | Dark Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 3L with Stud Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336140 | * | 4 | 60483 | Dark Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 2 - Axle Hole Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336146 | * | 4 | 32525 | Dark Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 11 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336153 | * | 30 | 3713 | Light Bluish Gray Technic Bush Catalog: Parts: Technic | |
336148 | * | 4 | 4265c | Light Bluish Gray Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth Catalog: Parts: Technic | |
336152 | * | 6 | 2736 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 1L with Tow Ball Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336159 | * | 24 | 4519 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 3L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336160 | * | 17 | 32073 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 5L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336161 | * | 3 | 44294 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle 7L Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336151 | * | 12 | 32034 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Angled #2 - 180 degrees Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336165 | * | 7 | 32184 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular 3L with Center Pin Hole Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336162 | * | 2 | 3650b | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Gear 24 Tooth Crown - Reinforced Catalog: Parts: Technic, Gear | |
336169 | * | 15 | 40490 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 9 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336171 | * | 8 | 41677 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm Thin 1 x 2 - Axle Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336164 | * | 5 | 32009 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick 1 x 11.5 Double Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336170 | * | 6 | 32526 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick L-Shape 3 x 5 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336150 | * | 2 | 33299 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Liftarm, Modified Crank / Pin 1 x 3 - Axle Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336157 | * | 8 | 4274 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin 1/2 without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336163 | * | 12 | 48989 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin Connector Perpendicular 3L with 4 Pins Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336155 | * | 10 | 3673 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336167 | * | 6 | 55982 | Light Bluish Gray Wheel 18mm D. x 14mm with Axle Hole, Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes Catalog: Parts: Wheel | |
336168 | * | 5 | 56145 | Light Bluish Gray Wheel 30.4mm D. x 20mm with No Pin Holes and Reinforced Rim Catalog: Parts: Wheel | |
336166 | * | 1 | 41896 | Light Bluish Gray Wheel 43.2mm D. x 26mm Technic Racing Small, 3 Pin Holes Catalog: Parts: Wheel | |
336196 | * | 1 | 53546 | Lime Bionicle Chest Armor, Toa Inika - Type 1 Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336561 | * | 1 | 61815 | Lime Bionicle Mask Miru Nuva (Adaptive Armor Style B) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE, Kanohi Mask | |
336194 | * | 4 | 61054 | Lime Technic, Axle and Pin Connector 2 x 7 with 2 Ball Joint Sockets, Squared Ends, Closed Side Axle Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336195 | * | 5 | 60176 | Lime Technic, Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Joint Socket - Closed Sides, Angled Forks with Closed Axle Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336199 | * | 8 | 54821 | Pearl Light Gray Ball, Bionicle Zamor Sphere Catalog: Parts: Ball | |
336201 | * | 8 | 53451 | Pearl Light Gray Barb / Claw / Horn / Tooth - Small Catalog: Parts: Animal, Body Part | |
336200 | * | 2 | x1951 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Claw with 2 Pin Holes Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336203 | * | 2 | 60930 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Engine Jet Pack (Toa Lewa) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336198 | * | 2 | 47298 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Foot Toa Metru Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336197 | * | 2 | 44033 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Air Katana Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336207 | * | 4 | 57529 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Double Blade / Shield Half (Toa Mahri Nuparu) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336206 | * | 3 | 57563 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Mahri Matoran Blade Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336209 | * | 2 | 44813 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Staff of Light Blade Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336205 | * | 3 | 47337 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Vahki Staff of Loyalty (Bordakh) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336208 | * | 2 | 60935 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Wing Large Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336560 | * | 2 | 61800 | Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Wing Small / Tail with Axle Hole Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336211 | * | 2 | 60932cx1 | Pearl Light Gray Projectile Launcher, Bionicle Weapon Midak (Zamor) Skyblaster with Black Housing Catalog: Parts: Projectile Launcher | |
336204 | * | 2 | 44374 | Pearl Light Gray Technic, Liftarm, Modified Rotor Thin 3 Blade Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336568 | * | 3 | 61805 | Red Bionicle Panel / Shield (Axalara T9) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336172 | * | 10 | 32062 | Red Technic, Axle 2L Notched Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336174 | * | 2 | 32192 | Red Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Angled #4 - 135 degrees Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336175 | * | 4 | 32014 | Red Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Angled #6 - 90 degrees Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336178 | * | 11 | 42003 | Red Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular 3L with 2 Pin Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336177 | * | 24 | 6538c | Red Technic, Axle Connector 2L (Smooth with x Hole + Orientation) Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336176 | * | 3 | 32039 | Red Technic, Axle Connector with Axle Hole Catalog: Parts: Technic, Connector | |
336180 | * | 6 | 32316 | Red Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 5 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336181 | * | 2 | 32524 | Red Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 7 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336182 | * | 2 | 32525 | Red Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 11 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336183 | * | 7 | 41239 | Red Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 13 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336179 | * | 2 | 6632 | Red Technic, Liftarm Thin 1 x 3 - Axle Holes Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336186 | * | 6 | 32348 | Red Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick 1 x 7 (4 - 4) Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336185 | * | 7 | 32140 | Red Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick L-Shape 2 x 4 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336184 | * | 4 | 32526 | Red Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick L-Shape 3 x 5 Catalog: Parts: Technic, Liftarm | |
336559 | * | 12 | 62531 | Red Technic, Panel Curved 11 x 3 with 2 Pin Holes through Panel Surface Catalog: Parts: Technic, Panel | |
336173 | * | 22 | 32054 | Red Technic, Pin 3L with Friction Ridges and Stop Bush Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336187 | * | 2 | 3749 | Tan Technic, Axle 1L with Pin without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Axle | |
336188 | * | 14 | 32556 | Tan Technic, Pin 3L without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336562 | * | 1 | 61813 | Trans-Medium Blue Bionicle Mask Head-Up Display (HUD) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE, Kanohi Mask | |
336192 | * | 6 | x346 | Trans-Neon Green Bionicle 1 x 3 Tooth with Axle Hole (Bohrok Eye) Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336193 | * | 1 | 57536 | Trans-Neon Green Bionicle Head Connector Block Eye/Brain Stalk - Short Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE | |
336189 | * | 3 | 3942c | White Cone 2 x 2 x 2 - Open Stud Catalog: Parts: Cone | |
336190 | * | 1 | 4032 | White Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Catalog: Parts: Plate, Round | |
336191 | * | 6 | x71 | White Rubber Belt Small (Round Cross Section) - Approx. 2 x 2 Catalog: Parts: Rubber Band & Belt | |
Extra Items: |
Parts: |
336120 | * | 5 | 2780 | Black Technic, Pin with Short Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
374055 | * | 1 | 41752 | Dark Bluish Gray Rubber Band / Belt Holder 2 x 4 x 2 1/3 Catalog: Parts: Rubber Band & Belt | |
336154 | * | 4 | 3713 | Light Bluish Gray Technic Bush Catalog: Parts: Technic | |
336149 | * | 2 | 4265c | Light Bluish Gray Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth Catalog: Parts: Technic | |
336158 | * | 1 | 4274 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin 1/2 without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336156 | * | 2 | 3673 | Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin without Friction Ridges Catalog: Parts: Technic, Pin | |
336202 | * | 1 | 53451 | Pearl Light Gray Barb / Claw / Horn / Tooth - Small Catalog: Parts: Animal, Body Part | |