Catalog: Minifigures: Town: twn230: InvPrinter-friendly page
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Orange Halter Top with Medium Blue Trim and Flowers Pattern, Dark Purple Legs, Reddish Brown Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe

Minifig No: twn230  Name: Orange Halter Top with Medium Blue Trim and Flowers Pattern, Dark Purple Legs, Reddish Brown Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe

This Minifigure Consists of the following Items:

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 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 970c00  Name: Hips  and Legs Plain
 1  970c00 (Inv)Dark Purple Hips and Legs Plain
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Legs
Part No: 973pb0638c01  Name: Torso Halter Top with Medium Blue Trim and Flowers, Yellow Neck Pattern / Yellow Arms / Yellow Hands
 1  973pb0638c01 (Inv)Orange Torso Halter Top with Medium Blue Trim and Flowers, Yellow Neck Pattern / Yellow Arms / Yellow Hands
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor.
Part No: 87990  Name: Minifigure, Hair Female Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe
 1  87990Reddish Brown Minifigure, Hair Female Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Hair
Part No: 3626cpb1061  Name: Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Female Black Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Red Lips, Lopsided Grin  / Scared Open Mouth with Teeth Pattern - Hollow Stud
 1  3626cpb1061Yellow Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Female Black Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Red Lips, Lopsided Grin / Scared Open Mouth with Teeth Pattern - Hollow Stud
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Head


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  4  4 


jennnifer (3605) inventoried this Minifigure on Apr 3, 2015, inventory last updated on Apr 3, 2015.

Links Related to this Inventory:

See explanation on what Regular, Extra, Counterpart and Alternate means.

Disclaimer: BrickLink does not guarantee an inventory to be correct and therefore an inventory should be only used as a guide.