Catalog: Parts: Electric: 2982c25: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part 2982c25 Electric Sensor, Light with Non-Removable Lead (25.5 Studs Total Length): ZwarteMagica (10544)
    Pending ApprovalChange Packing Type from {W} to {V}
    Pending ApprovalChange Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {1.58 x 13.5 x 1.48}
Note: digital caliper, lead straight like on the picture. Please contact me if it need rolled up.
Part 2982c25 Electric Sensor, Light with Non-Removable Lead (25.5 Studs Total Length): randyf (444)
    CompletedChanged Part Color Code 1 for Blue Color to {4119421}