Catalog: Parts: BIONICLE: kraata3: In Sets
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Bionicle Rahkshi Kraata Stage 3 with Marbled Pattern (list head color, describe the rest)

Part No: kraata3  Name: Bionicle Rahkshi Kraata Stage 3 with Marbled Pattern (list head color, describe the rest)

This Part appears in at least the following Sets:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
  (Not Applicable):
 1 in 8715-1 (Inv)Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set
401 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set
Appears As Alternate:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8590-2 (Inv)Guurahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8590  Name: Guurahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
 1 in 8588-2 (Inv)Kurahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8588  Name: Kurahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
 1 in 8589-2 (Inv)Lerahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8589  Name: Lerahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
 1 in 8587-2 (Inv)Panrahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8587  Name: Panrahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
 1 in 8592-2 (Inv)Turahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8592  Name: Turahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
 7 in 6620-1Ultimate Accessory Set 500
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2006Set No: 6620  Name: Ultimate Accessory Set 500
 1 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
 1 in 8591-2 (Inv)Vorahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8591  Name: Vorahk with Bonus Shadow Kraata (Limited Edition)
  Pearl Very Light Gray:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8588-1 (Inv)Kurahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8588  Name: Kurahk
 1 in 8588-3 (Inv)Kurahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8588  Name: Kurahk with Mini CD-ROM
 4 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
  Pearl Dark Gray:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
 1 in 8591-1 (Inv)Vorahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8591  Name: Vorahk
 1 in 8591-3 (Inv)Vorahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8591  Name: Vorahk with Mini CD-ROM
  Reddish Gold:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8592-1 (Inv)Turahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8592  Name: Turahk
 1 in 8592-3 (Inv)Turahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8592  Name: Turahk with Mini CD-ROM
 5 in 6620-1Ultimate Accessory Set 500
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2006Set No: 6620  Name: Ultimate Accessory Set 500
 1 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
  Flat Dark Gold:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8587-1 (Inv)Panrahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8587  Name: Panrahk
 1 in 8587-3 (Inv)Panrahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8587  Name: Panrahk with Mini CD-ROM
 3 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
  Pearl Sand Blue:
 1 in 8590-1 (Inv)Guurahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8590  Name: Guurahk
 1 in 8590-3 (Inv)Guurahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8590  Name: Guurahk with Mini CD-ROM
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
  Metallic Green:
 3 in 8580-1 (Inv)Kraata
3 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2003Set No: 8580  Name: Kraata
 1 in 8589-1 (Inv)Lerahk
45 Parts
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8589  Name: Lerahk
 1 in 8589-3 (Inv)Lerahk with Mini CD-ROM
45 Parts, 1 Gear
Catalog: SetsBIONICLERahkshi
2003Set No: 8589  Name: Lerahk with Mini CD-ROM
 3 in 8715-2Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry
Catalog: SetsBIONICLESupplemental
2005Set No: 8715  Name: Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set - Temporary Dummy Entry


 Color  In Sets  Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 (Not Applicable) 1  1 
Appears As Alternate:
 Black 1  3 
 Red 1  3 
 Tan 1  3 
 Orange 1  3 
 Yellow 1  3 
 Lime 1  3 
 Green 1  3 
 Blue 1  3 
 Purple 8  14 
 Pearl Very Light Gray 4  9 
 Pearl Dark Gray 4  6 
 Reddish Gold 5  11 
 Flat Dark Gold 4  8 
 Pearl Sand Blue 3  5 
 Metallic Green 4  8 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.