About Me Pages: About SJC_Brick_Co (90)
SJC Brick Co. is a family operation that came about as a hobby overflowed into business. Large, for us, lots were purchased locally to start building Dungeon's and Dragons scenery to support a DND campaign that was being developed. After identifying some quality minifigs, the supporting homework led us to a money-making opportunity. In reality, we are hoping that this will help fund our hobbies, but if it turns into more than that, we are more than happy to hang on and ride the wave. We have over 10 years of experience with other online sales websites. We are big fans of yard/garage sales, goodwill, and FB marketplace to pick things up that someone clearly doesn't know the value of and exercise that value to the fullest. We are not afraid of hard work and really enjoy the Lego brand and are looking forward to helping you find some value in these many little plastic bits.
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